Monday, April 4, 2011

Days 3 and 4: Gressing

I got to drive home from the gym with my window down tonight, and it was still light out at 7:15.  I found a great deal of pleasure in both of those things.  After an hour of profuse sweating, putting a hoodie on feels very gross.  It's nice to have a breeze blowing past your sweaty neck and semi-wet hair on the way home to shower.

Also bringing me pleasure are the tacos we've been eating.

I'm sorry I didn't post about yesterday's tacos yesterday, but I didn't really do much with my Sunday after the morning post.  Seemed silly to try to squeeze out more words when I was so busy being so lazy. 

So ok:  Sunday, we enjoyed what we've named Brunch Tacos.  Scrambled eggs with onions and cheese in a soft flour tortilla with crispy bacon.  On the side, hashbrown bites (erm, tater tots) and lemon poppy seed muffins.  (I love lemon poppy seed muffins so much that I just had to backspace to uncapitalized them.  Apparently, I love them so much I think they should be proper nouns.)

Here they is:

They were quite tasty. 

Sunday night we went and had dinner with some friends from out of town and some other friends from around the corner at the 112 Eatery downtown.  They have the most crazy-insano delicious dessert there called Nancy Silverton's Butterscotch Budino.  It's so good that I feel compelled to eat it really slowly so that I can savor every moment of the experience.  Go there.  Get one two. 

In review: Butterscotch Budino > Any other dessert ever

I digress.
Or progress.
Whichever.  I'm getting gressed.

Today was a pretty average day for me.  Work early, gym after, dinner last.  Monday's are one of my toughest nights at the gym.  I take a 25 minute cardio kick-boxing class followed by 25 minutes of jumping rope.  It  doesn't sound that hard, but it's redick.  Consequently, Monday's are one of the days when I tend to make easier dinners since I'm so worn out and it gets pretty late before we can eat.  Tonight we had Cowboy Steak Tacos.  I really liked them.  There were few ingredients, and using coffee as the base for a sauce was flavorful. 

Straight out of the pan, they sort of looked like fajitas (minus the smoking platter), but since everything was cooked in the same coffee, ketchup, chili power sauce they didn't taste grilled at all.  I thought I bought a Lipton Side at Kowalski's yesterday, but I couldn't find it for dinner.  It's probably in my trunk or behind the microwave or something.  I looked all over.  Stupid thing.  It's probably burning in hell, the bastard.

OMG, I totally forgot to tell you guys something!  When I was leaving work, I texted Derek to tell him as much (awww, so cute!) and I forget why now, but I tried to type "yessir," but my phone autocorrected it to "yessiree."  How much better is that??!?!  It's like it didn't think I was typing whimsically enough.  I love you, iPhone. *sigh*

Sorry, what were we talking about?

Oh right, eating.

So I made a wild rice side from Target that was really tasty.  Plus it was a 90 seconds in the microwave one rather than the 15 minutes on the stove that Lipton would have required of me, so it's best that I couldn't find the other one. 

Anyways, here's the Cowboy Steak Tacos:

the picture that comes with the recipe is better looking, but I'm not here to show you "professional" pictures. (in this case, the use of italics is to signify that a snotty tone was used in pronunciation, and that the misuse of quotations was to signify the use of finger-air quotes. Thank you.) 

That should do it for this episode of Everything Becky Does With Her Time In Blog Form.  Thanks for tuning in.  Hopefully I'll improve at this blogging thing and stop feeling the need to relay every little thing.

And so I bid you adieu, gentle reader. 



  1. You are quickly turning into one of my favorite people. And I hope that Lipton side gets what it deserves.

  2. I like you more and more as I read this blog. I think we should hang out some more. Also, do people act like you are crazy because you are eating tacos every day? I am getting lots of questions on FB like "Why? Why tacos?" or "Why would you eat 30 days of tacos?" My response is always "Why not? Tacos are great!"

  3. I'm getting quite a bit of the "why would you do that?" sort of things. My response at this point is usually just, "Tacos. Duh.", coupled with a little smile.

  4. Aleisha: We should totally hang out! yay! my coworkers know about the blog, so the question i mostly get is "what's on the taco menu today?"
