Monday, April 11, 2011

Days 10 and 11: Seriously

We just got done watching Avatar.  We'd never seen it.  It was visually very, very beautiful.  The story was also good, although they changed Pocahontas' name and made Native Americans tall and blue.  It's cool that they got dragons, though.  In that regard, it's rather like a 9 year old boy rewrote the Disney classic.  Was anyone else slightly creeped out by the icky fingery thingies at the end of their ponytails? 

They looked slimey.  That's all I'm saying.


Sunday was breakfast tacos.  Corn tortillas filled with breakfast potatoes, scrambled eggs with goat cheese and oregano, salsa verde on top, and sausage links on the side.  Quite tasty.  I didn't put enough goat cheese in, so you couldn't really taste it.  I like salsa verde, though.  I wonder why I've never gotten into it before.  Probably because it's green.  I assumed I didn't like guacamole until I was an adult because of the green thing.  Which is weird, since I'm not acutally a picky eater, and I like most green vegetables. 

Sunday evening, Derek went over to a friends house for a taco party and to watch the Paris Roubaix bike race.  I didn't go for a couple of reasons (mostly cuz I wasn't in the mood to listen to all the bike-parts talk, but also because I wanted to get some responsible stuff done, like laundry and grocery shopping.)  I was really sad after that I didn't go because it sounded like it was a good time with good tacos.  On the other hand, I was in bed before Derek got home, so it was probably good that I got to bed at a descent hour.

Today, after work and gyming (Ignition Cardio Kick and Ignition Jumprope classes), I came home and made Buffalo Chicken Tacos with a side of glazed carrots.  The Buffalo Chicken recipe was pretty easy.  I just sauteed a couple of chicken breasts, shredded them, returned them to the pan and squirted Buffalo sauce on them until it was the right shade of orange.  Then we filled hard shells with lettuce, diced celery, and the chicken, and squirted some Ranch dressing on top.  The glazed carrots came from a Martha Stewart cookbook, although 30 seconds of internet searching and I found the recipe for all ya'll.  They were suprisingly good. 

Remember how it used to be that if you wanted to internet something, you had to dial up, wait for the dial up noises, close all 15 AOL pop-up windows, wait for a year, and then get kicked off because your mom picked up the phone?  I love modern interneting.

Can I get a "hell yeah?!"

Anywhosits, the tacos looked like this:

I think it's one of my favorites so far.  Just so darn tasty!  And those carrots...suprisingly good.  I made carrots as a side because Buffalo wings usually come with carrots and celery on the side.  I was being clever...get it?

We're having a Taco Party on Wednesday.  I'm excited.  Maybe I'll live tweet some pictures from it.  (To clarify, when I say "taco party" what i mean is "dinner at a restaurant with several other people"). 

Seriously, you guys?  Harry Potter comes out on DVD on Friday, yay!!!  Per Jess/Scott's suggestion, I'm seriously considering making Bangers & Mash tacos, or something else all British on Saturday.  I bet Derek'll be excited to find out he gets to spend his Saturday watching the movie.  Seriously.

Which brings us to picture 2 in the OMG I <3 HP series

Hogs Head Brew tapper
 The Hogs Head had it's own beer.  It was good. A Newcastley sort of thing, which was quite perfect for me.  There in the background of the picture you can see the hogs head that graced the wall behind the bar.  It grunted and snorted and it's eyes moved.  It was bitchin.

Bedtime for me.  Hafta get up early tomorrow to figure out my shopping list for after work.  Ugh.  Sometimes being an adult is lame.

Ok, usually.


  1. I'd like to see an Avatar movie without the war machines. I'd like to see a world without war machines.

  2. yeah, but that wouldn't be a very interesting movie.
