Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wanna see some pictures of some stuff?

You guys?  I was just going through my phone, and I have, like, a billion-ty pictures to show you since last time.  Mostly of food.

You like food, right?

So ok, a lot of time has passed since last time, and I've eaten a lot of meals, but nothing all that actually exciting has happened.  There was a birthday party, and this other party, and then this other event, too. 

Ok, so some stuff has happened.

The parties were fun.  Dan and Jacqie had a thing at their house.  We met some new peeps (maybe just I met some new peeps.  I think Derek had met most of them before) and there was this guy who was extra good at singing and guitaring.  Live music at a last-minute house party?  Word.

There was also a fundraising event at Sigh Yoga for their MS 150 team.  There was beer and wine and a food truck (I'd totally link them if I could remember the name of the thing.)  The food truck had tacos.  I took a picture of them.....habit.

They were spicy and flavorful and delicious; and served in a paper boat, which makes everything tastier.

The fundraiser also had a dunk tank and hula hoops.  Jacqie forced me to try the hoops.  I did better than I thought I would, but I certainly can't stand around hulaing forever like Jacqie and Becky (the other one, not me) can.  Them ladies has mad hula skillz.

OMG I was just looking at the other pictures that I've taken since last time I blogged, and I totally have to tell you guys about my most recent British Culinary Adventure.

So there's a recipe in the Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook for Pease Pudding (or Pease Porridge).  Like the nursery rhyme.  It's basically cooking the everloving shit out of split peas in chicken stock with onions and garlic.  It was pretty good, although I kind of hoped it would be amazing.  I didn't know what to make it with, so it ended up being on the side of mesquite pork tenderloin with spicy schezuan green beans.  I think I called it an 'international meal' or something.  It looked like this:

That's the pudding there in the back.  I'm guessing it's terribly healthy.  That guess is based on the assumption that ugly food is better for you.  Cake=Pretty.  Cake=bad for you.  Therefore, Pretty=bad for you. 


Last night I got to make one of my favorite meals.  It's a great big salad with zucchini, chicken, red onion, spinach, parmesean, pecans, and mint.  The dressing is just olive oil and lemon juice.  I just went to see if I could link it for you, but the link on the Martha Stewart page is broken. 

But anyways it's a Martha Stewart recipe. 

It makes a whole lot.  I look very forward to eating some for lunch today. 

I just looked at the picture I took of it.  It's awful.  So you guys can't see it.  That's maybe ok, because how many pictures of my food do you really need?

Last week, True Blood Season 3 came out on DVD.  I love that Target puts new releases on sale the first week they're out.  I also love True Blood.  I finished rewatching the season a couple of days ago.  What a great show.  You guys should really watch it.  It's all violence and swearing and nudity.  HBO is so good at making shows.  *sigh* *swoon*

There's a bunch of construction outside.  I don't know what they're doing do the street, but I hope they finish today.  There's "No Parking 7-4:30 Monday Through Friday" signs on both sides of the street, which makes parking a problem.  I'm parked around the corner.  It's not like I look out the window at my car very often, but it sure makes me uncomfortable when I can't see it.  I hope it's ok.  worriedface.

It'd be cool if they were making the street wider.  Then, maybe next winter would be a little easier to navigate.  Probably, though, they're refilling the cracks in the sidewalks or something.  Maybe it's good to do street construction when it's a zillion degrees out.  Maybe that keeps away the "pavement failures" that happened yesterday when a bunch of streets buckled. 

Oh, so I went for a run the other day, and there was a Caterpillar Mass Migration happening around Lake of the Isles.  It was very weird, and VERY gross.  Tons of little black caterpillars all effing over the place, being all wiggly.  I get the creepy-crawlies just thinking about it.  Blech. 

So Caterpillar Plague + Pavement Failure Plague = .....End Times???

Back to eating for a second:

I tried a new breakfast this morning.  I warmed up half a cup of cooked quinoa and some milk in the microwave.  Then I added fresh mango (SIDE NOTE: how do you break down a mango without making an enormous mess?  Anybody?), Crasins, and sliced almonds.  It was very tasty, and I think it'll stick with me for a while.  Hopefully.  I'll take a granola bar to work, just in case it doesn't, but it felt pretty hearty. 

Yummy!!  And seriously, guys?  If you haven't jumped on the Quinoa Bandwagon, it's time.  Just do it.  It's tasty, filling, contains all of the essential amino acids (or something) which makes it a Super Food, and plus all the cool kids are doing it. 

I made a whole bunch of it on Sunday, and I think I'll make some sort of salady thing with some of it tonight.  It keeps in the fridge and reheats WAY better than rice.  WAY.

I just realized that I showed all ya'll, like, half of the pictures I had for you, but I have to go get ready for work now.  And you need to go eat some quinoa.  I get to go get chiropracted today, which I'm pretty stoked about.  I'll tell him you guys said "hi."



  1. Quinoa makes really yummy Greek salad. I think there is a yummy recipe for it on kraftfoods.com. Beer and wine truck sounds like a good time! We can't wait to see True Blood season 3! Is it better than season 2?

  2. I have a very simple solution to your mango dilemma...

    MANGO WEDGER. You can purchase from me or pamperedchef.com. Way worth the $14.50 if you ask me. WAY.

    This post was awesome and I almost squirted lemonade out my nose!

  3. Jess: My phone beeped that I had an email...the email telling me you had left that comment...while I was in the process of making a quinoa greek salad. MINDFREAK! As for True Blood, season 3 is totes rad. You guys could just buy it on dvd?

    Michelle: Hm...I'll have to think about that mango wedger. I may go with the "don't buy another mango" solution, although mangoes are pretty good.
    And I'm happy you didn't squirt lemonade out of your nose, that would have hurt, I bet.
