Saturday, May 14, 2011


Yesterday, this blog reached 1000 hits!!! 

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all 10 of my readers for visiting my blog 100 times a piece.  I couldn't have done it without you.  *tear*


To celebrate our 1,000th internet together, I will today have homework for you guys.  Fun homework.  Homefun.  It's a word problem.  Wordfun.


If you could have a piece of Harry Potter themed jewelry made just for you, what would it be?  Share with the rest of the class down there in the comments!!

I had a birthday on Wednesday.  It was a really great time.  When I got home from work (that wasn't really part of the 'great day,' although there was delicious cake available, and Derek had some very beautiful and colorful flowers delievered.  I like it when he reminds all the gals at work that I'm a lucky, lucky lady) Derek and I had present-opening time.  He's so good at gifting!  Thoughtful and creative, even if he doesn't feel like that's how he's being.  After that, we went out to dinner at Ngon Vietnamese Bistro in St. Paul.  We've been there one other time for some friends' wedding reception and really enjoyed it.  It's the first time that I'm aware of eating pork belly.  Usually I'm kind of uncomfortable with cuts of meat bearing the name of be body part they came from, as I prefer to pretend that my meat was never adorable.  Pork belly, however, is delish.  Bueno.  Molto buona. 

Dinner was with Derek (obviously), Damon, Nate, and Sarah.  Spending time with Nate and Sarah is a rare treat.  (Damon is great, too, of course.  It just isn't nearly as rare a treat to see him.)  After dinner, we all went to Izzy's Ice Cream for dessert.  I'd heard about it but never been.  It was totally fantastic! 

So, Derek ordered first.  He's all, "single scoop of Whatever in a cup."
And then the young lady behind the counter is like, "what would you like for your Izzy?"
Then Derek is all, "WTF is an Izzy?"
Young lady: "It's a little tiny scoop of ice cream that goes on top."
All of us in unison: "BRILLIANT!!!!"

That's how I decided to remember it, anyways.  It's possible that we didn't say anything in unison.  Possible, but not probable.

I got a scoop of Norweigan Chai with a Cake Batter Izzy. 

I would like to marry Cake Batter ice cream. 

Nate didn't have any ice cream because he'd already had ice cream, like, infinity times that week.  Also because he's a sissy girl.

After that we kind of all went home.  Nate and Sarah gave me a Lego Harry Potter Quidditch set, so I went ahead and worked on that pretty much the second we got home.  It's fun.  Not only are there, like, 5 Lego guys, there are little tiny Quaffles and little Quaffle launchers so that you can play Quidditch!

I skipped going to the gym twice because of my birthday and didn't work out yesterday because it was too chilly and gray to go run after work yesterday.  I haven't actually exercised since Tuesday, so I'm looking forward to Turbo Step later this morning.  I think I'll spend some of the rest of my Saturday doing a little laundry and maybe shopping just a little.  My jeans are staring to look a little 'poopy diaper,' if you know what I mean.

Acutally, they look like that even if you don't know what I mean.  My jeans' appearance is not conditional on your understanding. 

I almost forgot to tell you guys something:  So last night we were playing Portal 2 co-op mode, and neither of us could figure out the puzzle we were working on.  We both got majorly P-Oed and decided to quit playing. 
Cut to this morning.  I woke up at 6am with a fully formed solution in my head.  I don't know if it'll work.  I think it will.  I'm kind of excited to try it later.

Ok, so I'm gonna go now.  I think I've typed at all ya'll enough for now.  Don't forget about the homefun assignment.  What kind of HP jewelry would you want?  Go comment about it. 

1 comment:

  1. It's not jewelry, but is something people might want. In the Sky Mall magazine you can buy a wand that is a TV remote. It even comes in a simulated Olivander's box (black.)
    I think some cool jewelry would be silver or simulated wood bangles that look like Hermione's, Ginny's and/or Luna's wands. Maybe a Nagini for balance.
